
!Mediengruppe Bitnik (read – the not mediengruppe bitnik) live and work in Berlin. They are contemporary artists who work on and with the Internet. Their practice expands from the digital to affect physical spaces, often intentionally employing loss of control to challenge established structures and mechanisms. The works of !Mediengruppe Bitnik formulate fundamental questions concerning contemporary issues. !Mediengruppe Bitnik are the artists Carmen Weisskopf and Domagoj Smoljo.


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Future Islands On Constructing Convivial Tools
26. Mar 2025 – 26. Mar 2025
Talk, Culturgest, Lisbon

A multiplicity of social experiments and practices of community building have been arising lately across the world. These new institutions already form a network that explores and enacts forms of mutual aid, pirate care (care practices that do not align with social conventions of productivity and efficiency) and self-organisation, a social autonomy that, instead of separation, fosters the community connections that are useful in times of planetary crisis, but also for creating conditions for a "good life“ in face of the ongoing and deepening climate crisis, neoliberal destitution and war as permanent state of affairs. While heterogeneous and with different backgrounds and aspirations, one commonality is the attempt to build "convivial tools" . In this conversation about those forms of conviviality, we are joined by the artist duo !Mediengruppe Bitnik, writer Saša Savanović and philosopher Srećko Horvat, two of the co-founders of ISSA, the Island School of Social Autonomy, a community project established on the island of Vis, Croatia.

07. Mar 2025 – 15. Mar 2025
Screening, Diamant Offenbach / Museum Of Urban Culture, Offenbach Innenstadt

Mit seinem Film »Blade Runner« aus dem Jahr 1982 wagte Ridley Scott einen Blick in die Zukunft.
Seine urbane Vision des Jahres 2019 zeigt Bewegtbild-Projektionen und Megascreens, die mit einer Stadtkulisse eine symbiotische Verbindung eingehen. Eine riesige Schriftanimation wirbt für die verheissungsvolle Off World.
Reale fünf Jahre später für November 2024 planen wir ein Multi-Projektionsszenario für die Offenbacher Innenstadt.
Die Fassade des ehemaligen Kaufhofs und weitere umliegende Gebäude werden durch bewegte Bilder ergänzt und aktiviert.
Auf ca. 15 Projektionsflächen zeigen internationale und regionale Videokünstler_innen, TikTok- und Instagram-Artists in wechselnder Bespielung Werke zum Thema Urbanität zwischen Utopie und Dystopie.
Über einen Open Call haben Bürger_innen die Möglichkeit, selbst aktiver Teil der bewegten und bewegenden Kulisse zu werden. Historische Filmausschnitte ergänzen das Programm.


Agnieszka Jachym  / Ann Messner / Anne Imhof / Beat Streuli / Bjørn Melhus / Camila Chinchilla / Carlos Bañón / Claude Lelouch / Francis Alÿs / Gordon Matta Clark / Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, James Agee / Hydraulic Press Channel / Inaara Mariel, Philomena Hummel  / Jonas Englert / Julia Eichler / Lenny Westend / Les Gastons / Mariana Vassileva / Matt McCreary / Mediengruppe Bitnik / Nelly Habelt  / Moses & Taps / Nico Joel Helbling / Shoji Yamasaki / Sucuk & Bratwurst / Tashk.X (Jilrock Productions) / Tee Ly / The Visual Dome / Tobias Zielony / Toma Gerzha / Yves Netzhammer

Curated by

Heiner Blum

Brutal/Feral: Architectures of Survival
21. Feb 2025 – 18. May 2025
Group Exhibition, Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona

This exhibition is dedicated to two imaginaries in apparent confrontation, namely that of brutalist architecture and that of feral cities, forest cities or rewilded cities. The former never quite dies, while the latter never quite comes into being. It is an illusory confrontation, as in both cases a survival architecture is cultivated that is imbued with a sense of inevitable catastrophe. Walls devoured by earth and vegetation can be discerned in both cases, evoking a common territory, that of abandoned gardens, that of Piranesi’s engravings. A fin-de-siècle melancholy has lingered on into the 21st century, with the emergence of new approaches to the age-old dichotomy between nature and culture in which everything is perceived as a single reality (natural or post-natural), far removed from the narratives that envisage the human and technological spheres as being separate from the natural, magical and wild. Meanwhile, art and fiction constantly make their presence felt in these survival architectures, evoking the allure of a clash of paradoxes and contradictions: sophisticated villains, domestic bunkers, humans in nests, or on islands that serve as nests, nests in industrial ruins, posters with roots and electronic jungles.


Marcel·lí Antúnez, Marta Bisbal, Albert Coma, ISSA (Island School of Social Autonomy), Laura Lío, Dani Montlleó, Txema Salvans

Curated by

Andrés Hispano with the collaboration of Ingrid Guardiola


Die Erde ist rot, so oder so • #1 Techno-Faschismus: Von Elon Musk zur AfD. Was ist die Alternative?
04. Mar 2025 – 04. Mar 2025

Starting at 8 pm

A special series of debates at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz curated by Srećko Horvat & Sebastian Kaiser. #1 with Milo Rau, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Ece Temelkuran and others

The event will be held in English

Rosa Luxemburg wrote that the world will turn red in one way or another. Either in socialism or in the barbarism of blood. In the midst of the First World War, she not only gave expression to the excesses of capitalism and a fundamental apocalyptic experience; she vehemently insisted on the alternative. Shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump in the USA and the elections in Germany, we are inaugurating a special series of debates based on the patron saint of the Volksbühne, Rosa Luxemburg, which dares to outline an alternative in apocalyptic times.

The series begins with a reflection on a completely new quality of politics, which is initially coming to a head in the USA: the unification of political power and tech capital. President Donald Trump is not only acting like a globalised Medici. The acronym of the anti-regulatory agency (Department of Government Efficiency) founded by Elon Musk (rocket builder, operator of a digital world medium and billionaire) is certainly not an accident: DOGE.

The modern versions of the Medici family clan and the Doge are gathering currently around them the influential tech companies such as META, Google and Amazon. Just last year, the former head of the NSA was appointed to the board of OpenAI. Everyone knows: Big data not only means potential access to information about people, but also the ability to manipulate it. Tech in the hands of politics – currently: the global right – is an extremely effective instrument of power of unprecedented dimensions. Whoever has the means of communication potentially controls elections!

We talk to acclaimed specialists about the threat of Techno-Fascism, which has already found its way from Silicon Valley to Germany through the personal connection between Elon Musk and the AfD. What are already now possible technological scenarios? Has cognitive warfare against our own population already begun? Will the Neo-Medicis perhaps not even have to abolish elections in the future, as they can perform them technically and design them in a large-scale democracy simulation? What alternatives are there?

Total Screen Time One-Day Group Show
01. Feb 2025 – 01. Feb 2025
Group Exhibition, panke.gallery, Berlin

Total Screen Time is a one night group exhibition on phones! All participating artists will bring their phone with an artwork on it, which will be mounted on the walls of the gallery. The idea behind the show is that the audience gets to peep through the hole of the artist’s phones immersing into their artworks. LET’S BRAINROT TOGETHER! 🧠 In a collective and liberating moment we asked all artists and visitors to share their daily phone screen time during the opening. WE ARE ALL GETTING EXPOSED LOL 🎀

Curated by

Aram Bartholl & Socrates Stamatatos

Book Launch – (un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects
31. Jan 2025 – 31. Jan 2025
Talk, ProQM, Berlin

Join us for the book launch of (un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects at the best book shop in Berlin!

Fri, 31st January 2025, 19:30

ProQM, Almstadtstraße 48–50, 10119 Berlin, Germany


Felix Stalder, Janez Fakin Janša & !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Feelings Inc.
09. Jan 2025 – 15. Feb 2025
Group Exhibition, Huidenclub, Rotterdam

Feelings Inc. delves into the delicate interplay of vulnerability and connection in online matchmaking and beyond. The project does not take an explicit position for or against the right or possibility to have a certain emotional relationship with a non-human (machine). Rather, she tries to form an opinion about the possible polarizing effects that this could trigger. It attempts to understand the meaning and implications of individualization that is developed through exponential usage and normalization of non- human (machine) relationships. The focus extends beyond dating apps to include embodied AI chatbots like Replika, where people fall in love with an avatar created by Luka inc. and experience emotional loss when the newest update caused a data loss.


Marie Munk, Inès Sieulle, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Arvida Byström, Olga Morano, Lawrence Lek, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Ariane Loze, Vytas Jankauskas, Paul Van Hoeydonck

Curated by

Thierry Vandenbussche, Ferre Vander Elst

18. Dec 2024 – 31. Dec 2024
Group Exhibition, MISC, Athens

The art exhibition COOKIES, co-organised by the cultural organisations TILT Platform and M.A.M.A. Contemporary, explores the concepts of consent, acceptance, care, and surveillance as they are shaped in the ever-changing digital environment. Greek and international artists and artists' groups present different stories about the Internet, which is approached as both an experience and a medium while exploring the nature and use of the information we create within it.
The exhibition focuses on the data we produce at any given moment through paintings, video projections, films, and installations. It explores how digital technology reshapes our understanding of the world and raises questions about the power dynamics between people and technology.


!Mediengruppe Bitnik, Browser Based, Yiannis Christidis, Silvia Dal Dosso (Clusterduck), Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Konstantin Economou, Yioula Hadjigeorgiou, Hypercomf, Vicky Pericleous, Sungsil Ryu, Zoe Samourka, Andreas Savva, E. Scourti, Nicos Synnos

Curated by

Foteini Vergidou

Data Poetics | Data Politics
28. Nov 2024 – 28. Nov 2024

12:30 – 13:00 Uhr: Vortrag !Mediengruppe Bitnik
Unreal Data – Real Effects

Daten sind schon längst zum Rohstoff sozialer Lebenswelten geworden; dies schließt unser wirtschaftliches Handeln mit ein. Zugleich werden über Daten neue Ökonomien geformt – z.B. Aufmerksamkeits- und Plattform-Ökonomien. Ausgehend von alltäglichen Situationen möchten wir daher beleuchten, was Daten mit uns machen und wie folgenreich die Veränderungen in Bezug auf unsere Welt- & Selbstwahrnehmung sein können. Jenseits der einflussreichen ‚Big Tech‘ stellt sich außerdem die (politische) Frage der Daten-Souveränität.

Wissenschaftler*innen und Kunstschaffende gehen darauf aufbauend dialogisch den Fragen nach: Was sind Daten?
Was machen Daten mit mir und zwischen uns?
Was machen (smarte) Technologien mit unseren Daten und wir wiederum mit diesen Technologien?
Wie verändern Daten unsere Beziehungen und unser Selbstverhältnis?
Welche Perspektiven und Lösungswege im Umgang mit Daten & KI können Medienkunst und kunstbasierte Forschung bieten?

Mine, Yours, Ours: Figure it Out Conference
08. Nov 2024 – 09. Nov 2024
Talk, Drugo More, Rijeka

Symposium to mark the end of the two-year international project Figure it Out: The Art of Living Through System Failures. The project researched the practices and phenomena of carelessness of systems and institutions towards individuals or whole communities, with emphasizing the ways in which people in that context cope with and resist institutionalized neglect and hostility.

Figure It Out; The Art of Living Through System Failures is collaborative project that has been granted support under the Creative Europe program, sub-program Culture, of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Collaborators are Drugo More (HR) (Project Lead), Kiosk (RS), La Labomedia Association (FR), Vektor (EL) and Unfinished Art Space (MT). The project explores a range of practices that enable disenfranchised groups to overcome barriers established by administrative, institutional, and algorithmic regimes.

Mine, Yours, Ours: Figure it Out
07. Nov 2024 – 28. Nov 2024
Group Exhibition, Drugo More, Rijeka

Group exhibition to mark the end of the two-year international project Figure it Out: The Art of Living Through System Failures. The project researched the practices and phenomena of carelessness of systems and institutions towards individuals or whole communities, with emphasizing the ways in which people in that context cope with and resist institutionalized neglect and hostility.

Figure It Out; The Art of Living Through System Failures is collaborative project that has been granted support under the Creative Europe program, sub-program Culture, of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Collaborators are Drugo More (HR) (Project Lead), Kiosk (RS), La Labomedia Association (FR), Vektor (EL) and Unfinished Art Space (MT). The project explores a range of practices that enable disenfranchised groups to overcome barriers established by administrative, institutional, and algorithmic regimes.


!Mediengruppe Bitnik, RYBN, Kiosk, Škart, Tania El Khoury

BETA Festival Unsettling the Algorithm
01. Nov 2024 – 17. Nov 2024
Group Exhibition, The Bank, Dublin

Beta is a new festival of art and technology critically engaging with the impact of emerging technologies on society. Taking Ireland’s role as a central node in today's wired world as a starting point, Beta will showcase and celebrate Ireland’s research and artistic communities through a combination of creativity, debate and experimentation. Beta allows members of the public to engage playfully and critically with new technologies essentially beta testing ethical issues facing society.

The festival exhibition «Unsettling The Algorithm: Seeds of Resistance» gathers work by artists, designers and researchers which propose paths to reclaiming agency within systems of control.

Increasingly our lives are lived within digital systems and infrastructures. Our online clicks and browsing habits are a key component of technical systems designed and optimised for profit through surveillance and tracking. Whether online shopping or browsing dating apps , these algorithmic systems not only track and predict but determine what information we see and what realities we make from it. Platform boosted disinformation has the capacity to influence elections and instigate riots, while AI generated images spread propaganda and anti-science clickbait turns profits. As software syncs across networks and platforms, and the economics of platforms become intrinsic to everyday life, our behaviour online increasingly conforms to data profiles and model user behaviour.

Unsettling the Algorithm: Seeds of Resistance questions this growing encapsulation of life, and asks how we can reclaim our agency within the systems that seek to control and influence us. Highlighting not only the mechanisms of control but also the subversive strategies that push against them, the works in the exhibition demonstrate the unfolding politics of extractive platforms and networks, and the possibilities for resistance and dissent within them. Imposing acts of defiance with and through technology, the artists show how subversive coding practices can challenge state surveillance, how virtual environments can reclaim marginalised cultural memory, or how wasting the time of CEOs and executives can make material gains against climate collapse. Moving beyond resistance and acting with new forms of agency, Unsettling the Algorithm subverts, resists and defies — demonstrating how opportunities for transformation still exist.

Featuring works by: Basil Al-Rawi, Robert Collins, Firas Shehadeh, Jennifer Gradecki and Derek Curry, Nora Al-Badri, Patricia Domínguez and Suzanne Treister, Sebastian Schmieg, Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne, and TzuTung Lee, Winnie Soon and !Mediengruppe Bitnik, .

Curated by

Nora O’ Murchú and Aisling Murray.

Mesh Festival of Art and Technology
16. Oct 2024 – 20. Oct 2024
Group Exhibition, House of Electronic Arts, Basel

Mesh is a festival of art and technology. It focuses on the collaboration between artists and technologists and thus shows the influence of new technologies on society and how these developments are to be viewed. Tooling the Future is the focus of the first festival edition, which is dedicated to the question of new or different tools for a friendly future.

ISSA 2024: To Live Together
04. Oct 2024 – 09. Oct 2024
Curatorial Project, ISSA, Vis

"When the Sahara dust turns the sky above the Adriatic islands into a yellowish haze reminiscent of Blade Runner, and heat waves no longer come in waves but permanently settle on the shores, we no longer need weather forecasters to tell us what’s happening.

The Mediterranean, as we know it, is rapidly changing. In the last 2,400 years, since the ancient polis of Issa was founded on the island of Vis, the sea level has risen two meters. Scientists predict that in less than 100 years, by 2100, it might rise by one meter. At the same time, the Mediterranean is warming 20% faster than the global average. We can already feel the impacts on ecosystems and communities, migration and tourism, and the ways we live and organise life.

While the Mediterranean, home to over 500 million people and economically dependent on tourism – which may soon vanish due to intolerable heat – is becoming the climate crisis “hotspot,” it is also becoming the perfect spot for much-needed discussion and reflection on what is happening and how to live, or how to create conditions for a “good life” in times of wildfires, water scarcity, droughts, and storms of all sorts, from the wild winds of capitalism to the dark clouds of fascism. Our aspiration is to create possibilities for navigation when favourable winds stop blowing and the ship remains immobile or starts to sink.

That’s why we have chosen To Live Together as the central topic of our ISSA voyage from 4 to 9 October 2024 on the island of Vis. The question is no longer whether humanity or the planet as we know it will survive; it will not. The question is how to live a life worth living – together – amid the ongoing collapse, with our myriad, human and non-human, differences.

Faced with a planet where the 6th mass extinction event is underway and a world in a permanent “state of exception”, of which the never ending war is just one aspect, it is here and now – wherever we are – that we must explore, reinvent, and enact new forms of living together, different ways of imagining – ourselves, our environments, our relations.

We invite you to join our exciting school program in October and start building new ways of being, living and learning together beyond the ruins of capitalism.

We build the school, the school is building us."

The program will include lectures, performances, discussions and conversations, readings, dances, guided tours, cooking, work actions (physical labour), workshops, exhibitions, film projections, and lots of pomalo.

All events are completely free. However, you will need to register your participation to ensure you can take part in all the programs.

Please register here.

The detailed program of ISSA 2024: To Live Together will be announced soon.


Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Total Refusal, Madina Tlostanova, James Bridle, Rumena Bužarovska, Silvia Federici (per live-stream), !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Srećko Horvat, Chto Delat?, Judith Meyer, Marko Pogačar, Želimir Periš, Marija Andrijašević, Anja Zag Golob, Saša Savanović, Pirate Care, Forest University, Memory of The World, Nadežda Čačinovič, Kӣr & Tadi, IssaFix, Drugo More, Jamie Allen, Daphne Dragona, Ankica Čakardić, Boris Buden, Goran Bogdan, Jovana Stojiljković, and many others.

4×4 Seoul Edition Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone
23. Sep 2024 – 26. Sep 2024
Curatorial Project, ARKO Art Center, Seoul

!Mediengruppe Bitnik with collaborators Baruch Gottlieb and Sakrowski invite 16 artists based in South Korea for the 4×4 Random Generator. During 4 days, the artists form new collaborations and perform concerts at the opening of the exhibition.

4×4 Seoul Edition combines art, media art, music and performance and design across all genres and disciplines. This mixture breaks down boundaries and can lead to friction, but also favours solidarity and new forms of production.

The result is a temporary, permeable community of artists that culminates in a public concert.

The public concert will take place on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 17:00–19:00 at ARKO Art Center Outdoor Lobby

↳ 4×4 Seoul Edition is part of the 2024 ARKO × OnCurating International collaborative exhibition «Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone» which will be exhibited at ARKO Art Center Gallery from 26.09 – 03.11.2024. The exhibition includes works by: Small Projects for Coming Communities, Maya Minder, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, San Keller, Sohn Younwon, Stirnimann-Stojanovic, Yagwang, Elisabeth Eberle, Yo Daham, Tangerine Collective, Paloma Ayala. Curated by OnCurating (Dorothee Richter, Ronald Kolb).


Kim Jae, Hanna Kim, h.eund, MinOhrichar, Ru Kim, Gyuchul Moon, Insook Bae, Hye Young Sin, Sena Oh, Einox, YIYOUNG, Chang Younghae, Cho Hyunseo, JSUK HAN, Jihyun Hong, and Jaeho Hwang

Curated by

Baruch Gottlieb and Sakrowski

Figure it Out: The Art of Living Through System Failures
19. Sep 2024 – 05. Oct 2024
Group Exhibition, Malta Society of Arts (Basement Vaults), Valletta

Figure It Out; The Art of Living Through System Failures is collaborative project that has been granted support under the Creative Europe program, sub-program Culture, of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Collaborators are Drugo More (HR) (Project Lead), Kiosk (RS), La Labomedia Association (FR), Vektor (EL) and Unfinished Art Space (MT). The project explores a range of practices that enable disenfranchised groups to overcome barriers established by administrative, institutional, and algorithmic regimes.
Gendered, racialized, bordered and exploited, marginalised, underserved, discriminated and vulnerable communities are often forced to develop tools and strategies that are considered unacceptable to the institutions of the system; thus developing practices and phenomena of coping, tinkering, making-do and circumventing exclusions. Sometimes these tools and strategies are forged out of necessity, of survival, sometimes to exercise rights or to secure access to basic services available only to ‘deserving’ citizens. Such tools and strategies are always aimed at a certain system (state, welfare institutions, corporations, workplace, credit, housing, utilities etc.) that has its own rules and conditions of access that these communities or individuals cannot meet, producing and reproducing systemic exclusion.

Finding ‘holes in the system’ and developing strategies to take advantage of system weaknesses, people use their ingenuity to avoid detrimental effects on their lives and lives of their communities.

Moreover, such practices have now expanded into the digital sphere, where they are facing new kinds of power structures and also getting recombined in interesting ways. As dataveillance, algorithmic governance and digital profiling seep into mechanisms of exclusion and dispossession, from border controls to public transport, education, health and housing, new workarounds, tinkering and hacking emerges. As they do with the growing impacts of climate change, forcing underserved communities across the globe to be resourceful and devise their own forms of adaptation.

Publications (Selection)

Into the Rythm From Score to Contact Zone

The exhibition 'Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone', co-curated by ARKO Art Center and OnCurating, explores the museum as a vibrant contact zone, where diverse encounters between people, actions, and situations take shape.
Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone invites viewers into a time and space shaped by communal rhythm. The scores for Small Projects for Coming Communities, which is a project by OnCurating, guide, influence, and instruct the viewers so that certain actions occur in reality, with the viewers becoming eager participants. The written scores direct actions that result in varied performances shaped by the viewer’s unique interpretations and their enactment of the performance. Rather than leading to predetermined outcomes, the scores usher the participants into unpredictable encounters and situations depending on each visitor’s rhythms.

With: Yo Daham, Sohn Younwon, Yagwang, Tangerine Collective, Elisabeth Eberle, Maya Minder, San Keller, Paloma Ayala, Stirnimann-Stojanovic, Sakrowski, Baruch Gottlieb & !Mediengruppe Bitnik.


978-89-6583-030-6 (93600)

Curatorial Research – Opacity and Criticality from the Inside Technology, Trans-Cultural Encounters and the Planetary Scale

Olga Schubert, Felix Stalder and !Mediengruppe Bitnik discuss curatorial approaches that move beyond traditional exhibition formats, incorporating open-ended dialogues, experiences, and collective actions. These approaches reject the hierarchical, objective perspective of traditional research, aiming instead for collaborative, context-sensitive engagement that values opacity (in the sense of resisting exploitation), care, and solidarity.

The article argues that curatorial research, when practiced as an ongoing and collaborative process, can contribute to new forms of critical thinking and cultural production, capable of addressing the complexities of our contemporary, technology-mediated world.


Olga Schubert and Carmen Weisskopf & Domagoj Smoljo, in conversation with Felix Stalder

Enzyklopädie der Medien 6. Theorie und Medien Wahrnehmung und Wandel der Welt durch und mit Medien
2024, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Berlin

Peter Weibel geht der Frage nach, wie die Medien(-künste) die Welt und unsere Wahrnehmung konstituieren, simulieren und verändern.

In seinen wegweisenden medien- und kunsttheoretischen Texten geht der 2023 verstorbene Künstler, Kurator und Theoretiker Peter Weibel der Frage nach, wie die Medien(-künste) die Welt und unsere Wahrnehmung konstituieren, simulieren und verändern. Ausgehend von systemtheoretischen Überlegungen skizziert er die Medienkünste als Ort der Reflexion unseres Zugangs zur Welt. Seine Essays liefern Werkzeuge zur Analyse virtueller Welten und Bilder bis hin zur Kunst im Zeitalter künstlicher Intelligenz.

Weibel zeichnet darüber hinaus die Allianz von Kunst und Wissenschaft nach und zeigt, wie daraus neue Wissenssysteme entstehen. So finden sich in dem vorliegenden Band grundlegende Texte zur künstlerischen Forschung, zur Transzendierung des Menschen im Sinne eines Transhumanismus, zur »Exo-Evolution«, der »Elektrosphäre« und der »Infosphäre« sowie einer »Renaissance 3.0«.

Kunsttheoretisch hat Peter Weibel mit dem Begriff »Kontextkunst« die soziale Konstruktion von Kunst beschrieben. Seine Theorie der multiplen Modernen zeigt, wie die Repräsentation nicht nur von der Abstraktion abgelöst wurde, sondern auch durch reale Handlungen und reale Gegenstände sowie durch eine neue Werkzeugkultur, eine Verabsolutierung der Elemente der Malerei und der Materialmalerei.

Weibels teils prophetische Texte offenbaren die gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Medienkunst und ihr epistemisches Potenzial. Der Kunst und ihren Institutionen kommt demnach auch eine Bildungsaufgabe zu, die einen emanzipierten Umgang mit der Digitalisierung im 21. Jahrhundert ermöglicht.


Peter Weibel

Edit by

Peter Weibel



Figure it Out. The Art of Living Through Systems Failures
2024, Drugo More, Rijeka

"Snađi se, druže!" – "figure it out, comrade" – is a common phrase used in former Yugoslavia. It originated during the WWII indicating that partisans in action had to come up with solutions under extremely unfavourable conditions. The question, when given instructions for an impossible mission, would often be "but how do I do that?", and the answer would often be "figure it out, comrade". Later during the socialist period, this expression would be used for practices that people were devising when encountering bureaucratic or material constraints in everyday life. All periods and societies have such practices of common lying, cheating and stealing and common phrases to name them.

Figure it Out (FIO) is a collective exploration of stories of ingenuity that people with little or no power devise when systems fail them. The project involves partners from Croatia, France, Greece, Malta and Serbia who work with and engage different communities sharing their stories through art productions, exhibitions, a radio festival, bonfire events and web-zines.

This publication gathers some of the stories people have shared during the project's public "bonfire" events as well as reflections on the topic by members and collaborators of the research group.


Mara Ferreri, Valeria Graziano, Delio Vásquez, Amit Rai, Irene Peano, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, RYBN.ORG, Labomedia, Škart

Edit by

Mara Ferreri, Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars, Davor Mišković and Tomislav Medak



(un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects – a reader

(un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects explores the inherent ambiguity of data as an opportunity to not only describe the world but strategically intervene in it. Is it possible to create specific real-world outcomes by modifying our data streams? Can we intentionally produce data to interact with an algorithmic environment that is opaque, elusive and at the same time all-encompassing? In this book, the authors and artists explore the production of unreal data as acts of resistance and opposition, and as attempts to carve out small and often temporary spaces of agency and autonomy when faced with systems that seem to leave little room for imagination and choice.


With texts by Régine Debatty, Xiaowei Wang, Günseli Yalçınkaya, Milia Xin Bi and Thomas Spies, artworks by Simon Weckert and Total Refusal, and a collaborative project by Selena Savić, Gordan Savičić and !Mediengruppe Bitnik.

Edit by

!Mediengruppe Bitnik, Janez Fakin Janša

Glitch. The Art of Interference A First Comprehensive Survey of Glitch as a Phenomenon in Art
2023, Distanz Verlag, Berlin

Cracked smartphone displays, distorted images, colorful pixel structures: as one of the youngest and most unpredictable art forms today, glitch art specifically directs our attention to the aesthetic of the flawed. Initially used in technical jargon among radio and television engineers in the 1950s, the term glitch (from the early New High German verb “glitschen”, meaning to [left] glide or from the Yiddish “gletshn”, to slide, slip, or skid) soon comes to designate coding bugs or graphic errors in computer games. A glitch is the unexpected result of a malfunction. In the art context, disruptions find immediate expression in the realm of computer-generated images, in digital media and Internet art. The roots of technical “glitches” reach back to the early days of photography; as an artistic strategy directed against recognized forms of expression, they evolve in avant-garde film and video art and, finally, in digital image media and net art, where instances of image interference are intentionally provoked or deliberately programmed.

The catalogue Glitch. The Art of Interference is the first comprehensive survey with a historical derivation of the potential of glitches in art, media, and society. With works by Maya Dunietz, Jake Elwes, JODI, Joan Jonas, Germaine Krull, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Mame-Diarra Niang, Carsten Nicolai, Kazuma Obara, Nam June Paik, Jiang Pengyi, Sondra Perry, Man Ray, Pipilotti Rist, Steina Vasulka, amongst others, alongside with historical magazines and guidebooks on how to avoid photographic errors as counter narrative. In essays and free-forming writings, Franziska Barth and Markus Rautzenberg, Katrin Bauer, Nick Briz, Doris Gassert, Ute Holl, Justyna Janik, Franziska Kunze, Rosa Menkman, Mame-Diarra Niang and Agnieszka Roguski provide broader insights into the recent fields of research on the global phenomenon of glitch art.


Franziska Barth and Markus Rautzenberg, Katrin Bauer, Nick Briz, Doris Gassert, Ute Holl, Justyna Janik, Franziska Kunze, Rosa Menkman, Mame-Diarra Niang and Agnieszka Roguski

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Franziska Kunze and Katrin Bauer



Learning From The Earth ILEA – Book 1: Art Safiental Biennal 2023
2023, Vexer Verlag , St. Gallen

The texts, ideas, instructions, and art projects gathered in this book reflect on our relationship with the earth and the lessons we can derive from it. The contributions not only urge us to respond to the pressing issue of climate emergency, but also remind of certain neglected or unlearned ways in which we can engage in dialogue with the earth. What they have in common is the question of how we can shape a more ecological and just future.


Annemarie Bucher, Damian Christinger, T.J. Demos, Friday for Future, Donna Haraway, Johannes M. Hedinger, Naomi Klein, Klimastreik, Bruno Latour, James Lovelock, Timothy Morton, Dharmendra Prasad, Michel Serres, Vandana Shiva, Greta Thunberg

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Johannes M. Hedinger



I’ll Be Your Mirror Art and the Digital Screen

Catalogue to accompany the exhibition «I’ll Be Your Mirror: Art and the Digital Screen» at The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth edited by Alison Hearst and featuring contributions by Marla Price, John Suler, Omar Kholeif and Tina Rivers Ryan

Surveying some 50 years of groundbreaking art related to digital technology and the screen, I'll Be Your Mirror examines how technologies such as home computers, smartphones and TV have affected art and life over the past five decades. It traces a trajectory stretching back to the late 1960s, a watershed moment in the rise of the screen in the home. Today, accelerated by the pandemic, our daily life is mediated through screens for work, entertainment and sociality.


Alison Hearst , Marla Price, John Suler, Omar Kholeif and Tina Rivers Ryan

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Alison Hearst



Chimeras: Inventory of synthetic cognition A volume on artificial intelligence, with multiple textual and visual contributions exploring the synthetic qualities of cognition
2022, Onassis Foundation, Athens

This volume attempts to disassemble and reformulate what one might understand as AI by taking apart both notions of 'artificiality' and 'intelligence' and seeing what new meaning they produce when recombined.

We summon the trickster of the natural order, chimera, both a mythical creature and a genetic phenomenon. Drawing upon chimerism allows us to broaden 'artificial intelligence' into 'synthetic cognition'⁠—an approach that highlights the duality of 'artificial' and 'authentic', amplifies non-human methods of cognition and anticipates modes of symbiosis.

With this aim, the editors, Ilan Manouach and Anna Engelhardt, assembled an inventory in which one can find contributions from scholars and artists with interspecies, disability, monstrous, feminist, and decolonial approaches, as well as thinkers and technologists engaged in a broader field of AI. By questioning fabricated norms that constitute and maintain notions of 'artificial' and 'intelligence', this inventory acts as a toolbox one can use to merge these terms into a novel chimera.


150 researchers and artists explore the synthetic nature of cognition from a variety of perspectives

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Ilan Manouach and Anna Engelhardt



The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age
2022, Rojal, Gothenburg

The title of the book, The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age, is a reference to the exhibition “The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age”, curated by Pontus Hultén for MoMA in 1968, highlighting how technology was influencing art at a time when mechanical machines were increasingly replaced by electronic and chemical devices. Through its selection of contemporary art works the exhibition thus came to function as a recording of technological history.

I never got to see the exhibition since I wasn’t born at the time, but a couple of years ago I came across a curious book with a tin cover. The book was published in connection to the exhibition, and the history recorded between its covers ends at approximately the same time that early computers start to make their way into the art world. In the fifty years that followed, art came to be marked by a digital presence.

It was that book, along with an interest in dead media, and a curiosity for art aided by algorithms, that sparked the idea for The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age.

Here you will encounter new works by a selection of artists, specifically invited to use algorithms/AI to contribute to a continuous, self-reproducing, anachronistic, machine aided recording of history. A way to preserve, revise and/or comment upon digital history from the vantage point of present-day technology or through the lens of imagined future media, perspectives and technologies.

The works have been created specifically for the book. Some are based on works by other artists, made in another era, repurposed for our time and technologies. Others are based on redundant technologies, revived and given new functions. Some adopt a critical or political approach to the algorithm and its impact on society. Several utilize it as an opportunity to create unique works for each separate copy of the edition. Thousands of files eventually compiled into 200 unique books, each with a different cover and different contents – generated, aided or influenced by algorithms.

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Olle Essvik

H.O.Me. Home for Obsolete Media Hands-on tips on how to handle ‘veteran’ media such as records, audio cassettes or Super8 film
2021, Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel and Kunsthaus Langenthal

A journey of discovery to the scrap heap and he treasure trove of the analogue eraAudio tapes, records, audio cassettes and Super8 film – once they were all media standards. In the digital age however they have been superseded and are being discarded or else stored at the very back of the cellar. Artists and collectors however remain faithful to obsolete media and create something new out of old machines. Like the Swiss artist, musician and engineer Flo Kaufmann, who in the role of “Lord of the Groove” combines knowledge of vinyl mastering and experimental music.Starting with select objects, different obsolete media are introduced in a technological and culture historical context. Works by Kaufmann and other artists and musicians, like Christian Marclay, !Mediengruppe Bitnik and many more, demonstrate the potential inherent in working with analogue finds and give concrete tips to inspire us to do-it-ourselves.

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Raffael Dörig, Flo Kaufmann



Kunsthaus Zurich – The Collection in a New Light
2021, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich

In October 2021, David Chipperfield’s new extension of the Kunsthaus Zürich opened for the public. The new wing doubles the museum’s space for art display. Perhaps more importantly, it offers the opportunity to present larger parts of the museum’s permanent collection in a new light and in new groupings. The Chipperfield building is now home to the renowned Merzbacher, Hubert Looser, and Emil Bührle Collections, all on permanent loan to the museum. The formidable selection of French impressionist paintings in the Emil Bührle Collection combined with Kunsthaus Zürich’s own holdings of that period constitutes the largest display of impressionist art outside France. In addition, surrealism, art from the postwar period, pop art, and contemporary art now have the prominent space they deserve.

This new book offers an introduction to the museum’s curatorial concept as well as concise essays on key aspects of Kunsthaus Zürich’s permanent collection.


Christoph Becker, Philippe Büttner, Joachim Sieber, Mirjam Varadinis


978-3 03942-059 9

PROOF OF ART A short history of NFTs, from the beginning of digital art to the metaverse
2021, Distanz Verlag, Berlin

A meteoric hype? Or avant-garde? At its Francisco Carolinum venue in Linz, OÖ Landes-Kultur presents PROOF OF ART, the world’s first museum exhibition on the history of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and digital art. The project surveys the origins of NFTs and their evolution, from formative early trial runs with digital technologies to the first artistic experiments with the blockchain and today’s cutting-edge crypto-art. Online and offline, the multimedia exhibition and the related publication each present the positions of twenty-six artists who grapple with the new system of meanings and values, examine the role that artists play in our high-tech environment, and discuss the repercussions of virtual spaces in the reality of our lives.

Released in conjunction with the exhibition, the publication is designed less as an accompanying catalogue than as a handbook that sheds light on NFTs in their (art-)historical contexts, from the media art of the 1950s/60s to contemporary positions. Experts in a range of disciplines contributed essays: Daniel Heiss and Margit Rosen, Fabian Müller-Nittel, Georg Bak, Anika Meier, Schoenherr Attorneys at Law, Charlotte Kent, and Claudia Hart. With a preface by Alfred Weidinger and an intro by Jesse Damiani.


Daniel Heiss and Margit Rosen, Fabian Müller-Nittel, Georg Bak, Anika Meier, Schoenherr Attorneys at Law, Charlotte Kent, Claudia Hart, Alfred Weidinger, Jesse Damiani

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Alfred Weidinger, OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH




Early on, the artists understood the transformative power of play, integrating it into their works for various purposes – escaping reality, social construction and transformation, subversion or as a criticism of the mechanisms of play and games themselves. The Playmode exhibition and catalogue offer a reflection on these aspects and on the era of ludification that contemporary societies are now experiencing, bringing together pieces by several artists, such as Brad Downey, Gabriel Orozco and Ana Vieira, who incorporate the theme while exploring new ways of seeing, participating and transforming the world, using gaming in a critical way.


Mary Flanagan, Patrícia Gouveia, Filipe Pais

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Fundação EDP



< script >alert(“!Mediengruppe Bitnik”);< /script >

!Mediengruppe Bitnik’s first monography injects code on online bookstores through its title: a line of Javascript that displays an alert popup.

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Société des Arts de Genève, Felicity Lunn



Delivery for Mr. Assange / Ein Paket für Herrn Assange
2014, Echtzeit Verlag, Basel

On 16 January 2013, !Mediengruppe Bitnik sent a parcel containing a camera and a GPS signal to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, to find out what would happen on the way. Would it be possible to break through the physical barrier surrounding Assange, who is living at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to escape being extradited to the USA? Would the parcel’s journey end with a picture of Assange’s face or would it be intercepted and destroyed by an intelligence officer of the British Secret Service?

This is the account of an extraordinary delivery and the uproar that followed on the Internet. The publication consists of two books, one in English, one in German – read in your prefered language and give the other copy away!


!Mediengruppe Bitnik

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!Mediengruppe Bitnik

